Tsuchiya Kouitsu Japanese Woodblock Print Authentic Snow at Miyajima at 1936

Tsuchiya Kouitsu Japanese Woodblock Print Authentic “Snow at Miyajima” at 1936. Product name: Tsuchiya Kouitsu, Snowy Miyajima, January 1936. Authentic, Later Printing, Signed. Printed by:Doi Print Shop. Dimensions:29cm x 21cm. Good condition, both sliding and in good condition. Please check the photos. About Importer’s Obligation. Thank you for your understanding.

Orig. Woodblock Print By Hiroshige Evening Snow at Kanbara

Not sure of the date of this original woodblock print by Hiroshige called Evening Snow, Kambara, from the series the fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido. If I had to guess by the other things I bought I would say 1940’s to 1950’s but could be the 1930’s. Lots of newer reprints of this picture but […]